Friday night was complete with the smell of baking cupcakes throughout the house as Saturday was a day that we thought would be so much farther in the future...our little girl was turning five! Yes, five...five years old that is, felt like only about two years have passed, but the calendar says it really was five.
After several batches of cupcakes (fun fetti of course), covered with pink icing and completed with Hello Kitty faces, the end of the night came near, bringing Saturday soon after....PARTY DAY!!!!

This is the first year Bailee has really been excited about having a birthday party. Let me begin by telling you about how Hello Kitty was decided, or should I say compromised on, as a theme. Bailee loves Elmo...but we had Elmo for her 2nd birthday, thinking she would "grow out of" him after a few years...nope. As Bailee gets new interests, she doesn't give up the old....ever. She used to sleep with just a little Elmo, who she still refers to as little Elmo, which he is after all, only about 6-7" tall. Then she got her BIG ELMO from Auntie Erika, so he joined the crowd in the bed. He is about as big as Bailee. The rule is Big E must stay home, its way too much for me to carry her and Elmo, its like having two children...not ready for that....therefore, Big E must stay home, only on special occasions does he come out. Then came Mickey and Minnie Mouse joining the crowd. And finally the most recent two, Hello Kitty (a big one as well) and then the cow from Maggie Moo's Ice Cream, which she loves for some odd reason. Hello Kitty has actually become quite popular, but has not replaced Elmo. Nothing does, and I fear may never. So upon asking Bailee what type of birthday party she wanted....response one.... "ELMO!!!" Well, we already did Elmo, how about Hello Kitty? I asked Bailee. She excitedly responded with a big "YES!!!!!!!!" Plus we could do a pink theme...Bailee's favorite color.

A week or so later, I asked Bailee again about the Hello Kitty theme, waiting for the enthusiastic "yes" we earlier had. Instead she replies (yes, this is coming from a four year old)..."I want a Lady Gaga Birthday Party." (---------insert long pause, and a few chuckles------------) Ummmmm.....well Bailee, I don't think they have Lady Gaga decorations in the stores around here, so how about we do Hello Kitty instead??? (Insert Bailee's UNenthusiastic response) "Oh, ok."
Great, so now we went from super excited about a birthday party for the first time in her life, and I have completely ruined it for her. So I think fast and say "Bailee? How about we have a Hello Kitty PINK party and we can listen to some Lady Gaga music too???" ---fingers crossed--- ENTHUSIASM RETURNS...."YES!!!!!" Whew...saved that one. Nevertheless, we had a wonderful 5th birthday party for Bailee, complete with Hello Kitty decor, PINK everywhere and yes, some Lady Gaga tunes to round off the day.